12th CAMP OF ARTS AND CRAFTS, BAJA (Hungary) 2022  FB                        Theme:

Organiser: Bajai EGYMI (Baja Educational Institute and Children's Home), 6500 Baja, Barátság tér 18., Hungary
Applicants: Artists and craftsmen
The project aims to: Establish and maintain effective and ongoing professional communication channels between domestic and international actors in contemporary art and design; promote and support international presence and integration of artists.

Application deadline: 1th August, 2022

Consideration date: 5st August, 2022

Candidates will be notified of the resultof evaluation.
Duration of the project: 5 days
Camp begins: 22th August, 2022 (Monday)
Arrival: 21th August 2022 afternoon (Sunday)
Camp ends: 26th August 2022 (Friday)

Leave-taking: 27th August 2022 morning (Saturday)
Accomodation: Rooms for 2 persons

Closing exhibition: 26th August 2022 (Friday)

Participation fee: 35 Euro/5 days


The cost of traveling to the camp is borne by the participant.

This amount must be paid by everyone (even if the applicant will not stay until the end of the camp) for the bank account of Egyesült Út Foundation, under the following number:

10402513-25115345- 00000000
The Organiser undertakes the following:

- Provides accommodation in the dormitory of Bajai EGYMI and half board (breakfast, dinner) for the artists during the time spanding in the camp.
- Organises an exhibition of finished artworks at the end of the camp and provides propaganda.
- Provides a place for art and makes advices for other places, that inspire the artists.
- Advises shops to buy needed equipments.


The applicant undertakes the following:

- Arrives on the first day of the camp.
- Participates on the closing exhibition and at the subsequent closing gala exhibition.
- Creates works of art during the camp, from those must be offered 1 large or 2 small works.
- Brings the materials.
- Solves the transportation individually to the programs and other places that can be visited facultatively.

Some thoughts about Baja:

Baja is one of the most distinctive cities of the Hungarian section of Danube water. This charming little town was built at the coast o the Danube and Sugovica backwater, so water plays a key role in the city's life.

Inspiration about Baja:

The nearby forested areas of Gemenc are amongst the most beautiful natural landscapes of our country with their protected flora and fauna. Baja is a major transportation hub due to its bridge and river port. The surrounding area's natural attractions include the exceptionally beautiful and lush lakeside scenery of the Danube, the Sugovica and the forests of Gemenc.

The surrounding natural environment and built values give Baja a special atmosphere. This small town gives a Mediterranean atmosphere due to its climate, the proximity of water, the architecture and to is inhabitants. Many exhibitions, museums, galleries present the city's history, cultural values and lives of the locals.

István Kelemen


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