Al-Azhar International Cartoon
Competition, 2nd Edition, Egypt

Al-Azhar International Cartoon Competition, 2nd Edition, Egypt
Under the slogan "Women Empowerment".
From 11/08/2023 to 10/09/2023.
Owing to its twofold message as a mosque and a university, Al-Azhar plays vital roles in religion, science, thought and culture. And in fulfilment of the initiatives offered by the Education Development Center for Al-Azhar International Students (EDCAIS), under the presidency of Prof. Nahla As-Sa’idi, to mainstream moderate Islamic thought and culture and discover and invest in genuine talents, EDCAIS
declares the launch of the second edition of Al-Azhar International Caricature and Portraiture Forum’s 2023 Competition under the motto “Women Empowerment”.
Points of Departure:
1. Sustaining Al-Azhar’s global message, which aims underscores the religious dictates of empowering women and enhancing their role.
2. Emphasizing that Islam does not combat the arts, but rather guides and directs them towards elevating the human senses.
3. Throughout history, religion and art have been two major components of human culture: religion elevates the soul, and art refines feelings and emotions.
4. Art, in representing human feelings and emotions, is a common human language. It also serves as a bridge between cultures, bringing nations closer to each another.
5. Caricature is thus a universal language that is understood and enjoyed by all. It is not less important than other media of expression and criticism. For one picture can surely be more expressive than a thousand words.
6. Confronting the ideas of offensive cartoons by emphasizing the fact that caricature as an art sustains the values of appreciation, justice, and equality.
1. Promoting the women rights and empowerment culture through focusing in caricature and portraiture drawings on issues hindering such a cause.
2. addressing the issues suffered by women especially and contributing to the efforts sustaining better representation of women.
3. Reviewing women empowerment resolutions and embodying them in purposeful artistic messages.
4. Addressing the role and achievements of women in the different fields.
5. Raising awareness about women’s social and political rights.
6. Gearing full attention and care towards Al-Azhar international students, especially those creative cartoonists.
General Conditions:
• Submissions received via the email after the deadline shall not be considered.
• The entries must be an original creation that has not been submitted to any other competition and an acknowledgement thereof shall be attached maintaining that the cartoon is the competitor’s original creation.
• The organizers have the right to publish the participating competitor’s works in posters, journals, newspapers and websites inside and outside Egypt, with the purpose of propagating the even and with no need for the competitors’ prior consent.
• The organizing committee may take any action to ensure the authenticity of submitted entries.
• The decisions of the arbitration committee are final and are not liable to objection.
A booklet is made that includes the entries, the participating competitors, and a short bio about each artist.
• Screening and arbitration committees shall exclude the works that do not comply with the terms of the competition.
• It is possible to participate in both categories of the competition.
• Hand-drawn works (with lead, charcoal, or any other means) are among the works nominated for winning, provided that the respective competitors send the original works within 10 days from the date of being notified thereof to the following address Education Development Center for Al-Azhar International Students Ahmed Said street , opposite Booath passport office, Abbaseya, Cairo.
• An electronic certificate of participation shall be sent to all artists whose works are accepted.
Competition Terms:
1. A participant can submit up to two drawings for each category.
2. The cartoon size should be A3 or A4, and the total submitted file size should not exceed two megabytes.
3. Each artist whose work is accepted shall send a zipped file carrying the name of the artist and the category for which the work is submitted. The file shall also include the following.
• The artist’s name, nationality, and country must be stated and the submitted work shall be in JPG (300 dpi) and pdf format.
• A short bio of the participant in word file, containing the participant’s name, address, national ID or passport number, nationality, contact details (phone number and WhatsApp account no.), a link to published works on social media, a statement of previous competitions in which the competitor has participated, statement of the drawing type, technique and employed means.
• A double-sided copy of the ID card for Egyptians, and a copy of the passport for foreigners.
• The file shall be sent via the identified e-mail before submission deadline.
1. First Category: Caricature Drawings
• The caricature competition revolves around the enhancement of women rights and empowerment culture, review of women empowerment resolutions and embodying them in artistic works and addressing the role of women and their achievements in the different fields.
2. Second Category: Portraiture
This section revolves around drawing portraits featuring prominent female figures in human history:
Huda Shaarawy
Samira Moussa
May Ziadeh
Nazik El-Malaika.
First: Awards of the Caricature Competition
There will be appreciation certificates from the Grand
Imam of Al-Azhar to the first three winners and cash prizes as follows:
First winner: $1000.
Second winner: $750.
Third winner: $500.
Three incentive awards, $250 each, shall be given to the next three winners.
All winners shall get the shield of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif.
Second: Awards of the portraiture Competition:
There will be appreciation certificates from the Grand
Imam of Al-Azhar to the first three winners and cash prizes as follows:
First winner: $1000.
Second winner: $750.
Third winner: $500.
Three incentive awards, $250 each, shall be given to the next three winners.
All winners shall get the shield of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif.
Third: Awards for International Students at the End of the Forum Proceedings:
There will be appreciation certificates from the Forum
President to the distinguished students.
There will also be ten incentive awards; each is worth L.E. 1000.
Important Dates:
Submissions are sent by email to:
Deadline: Sunday, September 10, 2023.
Winners will be announced on through Al-Azhar electronic portal and the media channels, where the date of Al-Azhar Second International Caricature Forum will also be announced.
President of the Forum: Prof. Nahla As-Sa’idi
General Coordinator: Dr. Muhammad Mus’ad
For inquiries, please contact us via the following channels:
Mobile: 01113835074