winners of the Katara Caricature Award 2020
The Cultural Village Foundation, Katara, announced the names of the winners of the Katara Caricature Prize, which was launched from June 20 to August 15, which included two categories, namely work and distance education, during the Corona pandemic, and a third category was created for which Qatari cartoonists will compete with the aim of Showcase Qatari talents. A virtual exhibition of the best 15 paintings participating in the award will be held, and a book on the art of caricature in Qatar will be launched later during the next book fair, as the book contains a historical account of the march of this art in the State of Qatar, in addition to its most famous pioneers. In the Katara Caricature Prize, 7 contestants out of 506 male and female participants won, including 262 in the distance education category, and 244 in the distance work category. In the remote work category, Ibrahim Saleh Mohamed Al-Sayed from Egypt won the first place, while Ali Ghanat from Iran won the second place, and the third place went to Rizal Adnan from Indonesia. For the distance education category, Naji Panaji from Morocco won the first place, Tommy Thomedian from Indonesia ranked second, while Jeremiah Correa from the Philippines won the third place. Fine artist Saeed Abdulaziz Jassim Al-Badr won the Qatari cartoonists category. In each category, the first place winner gets $ 5,000, the second place gets $ 4,000, the third place gets $ 3,000, and the winner for the Qatari cartoonists category gets $ 5,000. It is noteworthy that the launch of the Katara Caricature Prize came as a result of what was produced by the Corona pandemic "Covid-19" that swept all countries of the world, and amid the precautionary measures that were launched to limit the spread of the virus, and was represented in the policy of social distancing, and one of its manifestations is the adoption of the method of distance education and work from After, to reduce friction between students in schools and universities, and employees in the workplace, and accordingly, the selection of these two topics was a field for expressing the first cartoon prize organized by Katara, and it is considered as a referendum for the education and remote work system, to know the trends of public opinion in these two systems, considering Caricature art reflects the trends of the public at all times and places. 506 cartoons Naji Panaji from Morocco won the first place Ibrahim Saleh Mohamed Al-Sayed from Egypt won the first place ommy Thomedian from Indonesia ranked second, Ali Ghanat from Iran won the second place Jeremiah Correa from the Philippines won the third place Rizal Adnan from Indonesia finished third Saeed Abdulaziz Jassim Al-Badr won the Qatari cartoonists category
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